Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating your video:
Keep Videos Under 2 Minutes
Keeping your videos short, especially on your homepage helps drastically reduce drop off and keeps viewers engaged without feeling like they're making a large commitment.
Normalize Audio
Try to keep the audio at the same volume level. Changes in loudness can make the playback experience hard.
Don't Fade To Black
The fade to black is anticipated and showing one give the viewer the heads up the video is over and stop watching. This can happen even if you're fading in the middle of the video just to go into another clip. Also in the VisibleGains software, if you have other clips, forms or calls to action to bring up, they may close the application before they see the other options.
No Long Music Intro's
Long music intros trigger the drop off factor. When you play a video with a long into it eludes to the fact that the video is long and sends people leaving. Ditch the long intros and keep the videos quick.